Another Checkered Jumper

Orange isn’t everybody’s kettle of fish

After having received some awesome feedback on my first sweater of this kind of design, I decided to make another one, using colours that may be regarded as more popular and accepted among gentlemen nowadays. Here we go: I was looking for a dark colour to match better with a typically urban wardrobe. Checking out the Wakame colour range, I went for the muddy grey which fits me well. For the checkered detail I chose a lime-green which could easily be replaced by another grey or blue.

Improving the design

What I also changed is the position of the checkered design detail. I moved it two rows up, which seems to look better. Also, the body of the jersey is two rows longer than the orange sweater. Last, but not least, I added an eye-catching detail to the underarms. Having a biker’s leather jacket in mind, I crocheted this part with a bulky profile.

Crocheted Sunshine

A seamless men’s Jersey

“The sun is rising,” a colleague said to me when she saw me wearing my new crochet jersey for the first time at work. What an awesum praise, thank you, Gaby! The Icelandic Jersey I made some time ago based on an existing pattern (for more, please see this blog post) turned out so well that it inspired me to further pursue the idée fixe that has been haunting me for quite a while: creating a well-fitting jersey or jacket without having to join any garment parts together.

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Simple Classical Men’s Vest

A garment for men

Vests and waistcoats have always been an eye-catching and elegant part of men’s fashion. While there have been attempts to steal those genuinely male garments for women’s fashion, there is no doubt that they still look best on men, emphasizing the typically male body features of the chest area. Adding a vest with a great colour, pattern or material to a very basic shirt can turn a boring outfit into a fashion statement. More pics and info →

Patrick’s new Icelandic Jersey


Jersey in use

I know that I finished this new Icelandic jumper quite a while ago, but it took me some time to send it to my cousin’s son and to get to writing this new blog post. So before winter of the northern hemisphere is completely over, it is high time, indeed, to finally present this sweater in use. Above picture courtesy of Patrick. Isn’t he looking gorgeous wearing it?

awesum Crochet now on Instagram

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My current work

At the moment I am busy knooking another Icelandic sweater (the one you can see in the pics above) for a cousin’s son as mentioned in my previous blog post Knooked Icelandic Jersey. I have been posting the stages of my progress on Instagram in short intervals, so if you’d like to keep track of my work going forward, please have a look at my awesum_crochet Instagram profile.

Knooked Icelandic Jersey

Who gave me the idea

When it comes to crocheting, knitting, or knooking, men’s garments have been most appealing to me. So I feel happily surprised when the younger generation comes up with inspiring me for something to knit, especially if it is a 25-year-old guy from my family who likes knitted cardigans and jerseys that are either trendy or have never got out of fashion. My relative was quite excited to tell me that he had seen that awesome kind of jersey on the web, showed me a picture on his phone, and asked me whether I could make something like that for him. The guy in the picture wore an Icelandic Jersey that had that typical and rich fair-isle pattern yoke, and both the jersey and the guy looked nothing but gorgeous. I was all in for it! More pics and info →

Kitchener Stitch for Knooking

I am excited to share my first self-made video tutorial on how to do Kitchener Stitch on a knooked work. It is now available on YouTube for everyone.

It always sounded like a big mystery and like one of the most challenging stitches in knitting when knitters I knew talked about it, “Every time I want to use Kitchener Stitch, I need to watch that video tutorial again because it is so complicated.” Or, “You can do Kitchener Stitch with knitting needles instead of a darning needle as well.” Read more →